Prohibited Items
ShipnShip prohibits any items which are prohibited by any laws, regulations, or statutes of any federal, state, or local government of any country through which the shipment may be carried. Any items that would require ShopnShip to obtain a special license to transport the shipment are also prohibited. Finally, ShopnShip prohibits items that would damage equipment, personnel, or other packages.
For your guidance, we've provided a detailed list of products that cannot be shipped. We have tried to make this list as complete as possible, but it is not necessarily exhaustive. There may be other items not specifically named which fall into one of the following categories.
01Firearms and explosives
- Weapons (Swords, blades, guns, etc.)
- Reproduction weapons (except toys and cosplay)
- Pyrotechnic items
- Ammunition and gunpowder
- Airsoft replicas

- Sprays and gas bottles
- Oxygen, helium, butane, nitrogen
- Scuba tanks, fire extinguishers
- Life jackets
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Gas heaters

03Flammables substances and liquids
- Perfumes
- Lighters
- Paint
- Nail polish
- Alcohols
- Paint thinners
- Varnishes

04Magnetic objects
- Magnetized materials
- Generators and electric motors
- Dry ice
- Asbestos
- Internal combustion engines
- Audio amplifiers, speakers

05Oxidizing and toxic items
- Insecticides and
agricultural chemicals - Chloroform
- Radioactive material
- Nuclear waste
- Matches
- Lighters
- Coal
- Ink cartridges
- Fuses
- Detonators
- Varnish
- Wax
- Dissolvants
- Hair dyes
- Hand warmers
- Bleach
- Peroxides / Oxidizing Agents
- Items containing mercury
- Cleaning liquid, disinfectants and corrosives
- Fungus killer
- Rodenticide
- Lithium batteries

06Various prohibited items
- Living/dead animals
- Frozen food & goods
- Plants and grains
- Tires
- Gas tanks
- Oil diffusers
- Medicine
- Livestock food
- Pirated materials
- Counterfeit money
- Fiscal stamps
- Official or private documents
- National treasures
- Cultural property or art objects
- Precious metals
(gold, silver, gold and silver products, etc.) - Jewelry (diamonds, processed products, etc.)
- Coins and banknotes
- Drugs and psychotropic substances
- Micro-organisms
- Precious materials
(ivory, diamonds, rosewood, gold,
silver, etc.) - Perishable goods
- Credit cards
- Transportation tickets
(bus, plane, etc.) and lottery tickets - Airbags
- Digital goods
(codes / downloadable contents, etc.)