
Pricing (in USD)

Shipment Processing Fee

We offer a simple and transparent flat fee of $3 for
processing and preparing your shipments. Benefit from swift, expert handling and packaging of your items, ensuring a steamlined experience and cost-effective shipping.


$3 / shipment

International Shipping Fee

International shipping fees may vary depneding on
factors such as weight, dimensions, destination, and the contents of the final package.
To obtain an estimate, use our shipping calculator.



ShopForMe Service

Our buying agent service that assists you in
purchasing items. Enjoy a flat $3 service fee per item(items from the same product page or URL counted as one). For second-hand shop(eg. Bunjang) purchases, the cost is $5 per item.


$3 / item

Photo / Video Service

Ensure the accuracy of your order before it ships to your international address. We provide up to
three high-quality photos or a video of your package contents, allowing you to verify your
purchase or use it as evidence for missing or incorrect items.

$2 / $5

Photo / Video

Repacking Service

Retailers frequently use excessive padding
and oversized boxes for domestic packages, which can lead to substantial international shipping costs. Our repacking service optimizes package size, helping you save on international shipping charges.


$3 / package

Consolidation Service

Consolidation is a process where we take packages
and combine them into one box. Combining packages economizes space and weight,
which can save you up to 80% on shipping costs.



($3 fee will apply if new box is needed during the process)

Box Photos

Each time a new package is entered into
your account, we will take a photo of the exterior of the package and its shipping label.



Removal(inclusion only) Service

Remove unnecesary price tags and invoices or
reduce bulk by discarding shoe boxes and hangers,
or receive only your favorite K-pop album inclusions. Ask us anything you want to remove.


$1 / item (album)

Package Storage

Package storage is FREE for the first 45 days.
After 45 days we charge daily storage fees.
Any package that exceeds the 90 day storage limit
will be automatically discarded.


FREE for 45 days
$1 per day after

Vacuum Packing Service

We reduce the bulk of items such
as clothing, bedding, and plushes
by extracting air and creating a
space-saving package, ensuring
easy storage and cost-effective shipping.


$5 / package

Package Return Fee

We handle returns for items not eligible for international shipping or those returned by the courier. Customers must obtain a return label from the store. For ShopForMe purchases, we'll
handle it. Return shipping fees are
your responsibility in addition to a
package return fee.


$10 / package

Package Splitting

Simplify shipping to multiple addresses with our package splitting service. Ship smart, split easy.


$3 / package

Pricing Example 1: ShipForMe Service

You have independently ordered your favorite K-pop album and two identical lipsticks from different online shops, benefiting from free domestic delivery.
These items will be delivered to our warehouse, and you’re looking to consolidate these packages to maximize your savings on shipping costs.

Item Details:
  • Item 1: One K-pop album
  • Item 2: Two Lipsticks
  • Consolidation Fee: Free
  • Shipment Processing Fee: $3 (per shipment)
  • International Shipping Fee: $20
Total Payment: $23

Pricing Example 2: ShopForMe Service

You would like ShopnShip to assist you in purchasing your favorite K-pop album and three identical lipsticks from different online shops, taking advantage of their free domestic delivery offer. Your aim is to consolidate the packages for significant savings on shipping costs.

Item Details:
  • Item 1: One K-pop album $20
  • Item 2: Three Lipsticks $30
  • Buying Service Fee: $6 ($3 per item)
  • Consolidation Fee: Free
  • Shipment Processing Fee: $3 (per shipment)
  • International Shipping Fee: $20
Total Payment: $29