Q [Payments] I cannot complete the order payment with my credit card. What should I do?
If you encounter issues with completing your payment using your credit card, please check the following possibilities:

- The credit card issuing bank restricts your card usage: Contact your bank to ensure there are no restrictions on your card that may be causing the payment error.
- Your credit card has exceeded the available limit: Confirm that you have not exceeded your credit card's spending limit.
- Incorrect credit card information: Double-check the accuracy of the credit card information you provided during the payment process.
- Expired credit card: Verify that your credit card is still valid and has not expired.

If you have addressed these issues and still cannot complete the payment, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team for further assistance.
Q [Payments] What is the payment processing fee, and why am I required to pay it?
The payment processing fee is a charge that is applied when you make a payment for the items you wish to purchase using methods such as PayPal or credit cards. When you make a payment in USD, payment processing platforms like PayPal or credit card companies deduct a certain percentage of the total amount as a processing fee. Additionally, they apply an unfavorable exchange rate when converting your USD to the local currency in which the items are priced. This can result in a shortfall, as the assisted purchaser receives less than the full value of your payment in the seller's currency. To bridge this gap, the payment processing fee is added to your order to ensure that the assisted purchaser has enough funds to complete your purchase in the local currency without incurring a loss.

Q [Payments] Can I make purchases on your website using a currency other than USD?
The primary currency we utilize for all transactions on our website is the United States Dollar (USD).

Q [Payments] I don't see a price for shipping when placing my consolidation request. Why is that?
Shipping rates for a consolidated package cannot be determined until the consolidation has been completed. Shipping rates and available carriers are based on the dimensions and weight of the package. This information will be updated in your account once the consolidation has been completed and a new package number assigned. You can get an estimate from our shipping calculator.

Q [Payments] What types of payment do you accept?
We accept various payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers. Please see our website for a list of accepted payment methods.

Q [Payments] What is your return policy?
Our return policy depends on the retailer's return policy for the items you purchase. We follow their policy regarding returns and refunds.